Posts Tagged ‘ Singer22 Blog ’

Masculine Monday: ‘Grungy Gentleman’, ‘Tucked’ and ‘Bonobos’ Giving Men’s Fashion Reasons to Celebrate

On This Fine Day, We Give Thanks To Combat Boots, Trousers with a Cool Color Boost,

and Successful Subtle Sarcasm of Formal Wear achieved by the designs of Bonobos!

'Tucked' Q&A Series with 'Bonobos' Fashion Line

Grungy Gentleman Combat Boots of Perfection!

Tucked.. with a cool color boost to love!

To disassemble the who’s who between these male-geared virtual publications was a bit treacherous at first, I must admit.  It seems that ‘Tucked, LLC‘ has much admiration for ‘Bonobos’, both of which are warmly welcomed by the Grungy Gentleman Blog, a creation of the virtually mysterious Jace Lipstein.

Upon entrance of the Grungy Gentleman Blog, there is an open door to a, (aka ‘S22 Man‘), which just so happens to feature some awesome fashions for color lovin’ gals, like myself!  To see these, and I recommend highly you do so, or at least forward the following URL to your girlfriend/wife/insert affiliation here:

To provide some clarity to the domain clutter, it ultimately isn’t clutter at all. It is a complex example of proper Blog Etiquette. Mutual  admiration in publications to peers and inspirations. It has now become clear that Jon Singer, Founder of Singer 22, which is taking off in the Men’s Fashion Industry, had been interviewed by Grungy Gentleman. The interview, of which, was featured on the Tucked Blog.

(For complete interview, please  visit URL:

SINGER22 is emerging as a force in the industry. With additional retail locations on the horizon, the launch of menswear, and celebrity appearances, SINGER22 has created quite the buzz. Their growth and success starts and ends with the guy in charge, Jon Singer.

Grungy Gentleman sits down with Mr. SINGER 22, Jon Singer…

Now that we have that a bit cleared up… The point was ultimately to say a sincere Thank You to these Fashion-Gents.

The combat boots featured in Grungy Gentleman are totally awesome, not overpriced and not outlandish in appearance either. They walk the perfect line of ‘in-style’ and ‘not trying at all’. This is a hard look to pull of successfully, and these boots will answer the prayers of many, including myself if they’re available in a Men’s size 4, which I’ve already inquired upon 🙂


The Boots: Take 2

For More on These, Please Visit The Original Entry at:

Secondly, to Tucked LLC, you rock dude! This blog has numerous tips and awesome images to help convey completely what a man that looks well dressed without looking primped should appear like. In real life. With stylish approaches that inch toward, but never jump off the bridge, like ’30s inspired cuffed up pant legs, wool vests, green trousers and suspenders, that all work in the creation of Tucked, I am in an awe-inspired thanks. He describes his ensembles much better than I should attempt, and if you’re interested in looking this smooth, take a gander into the mind of Tucked…


Tucked: Watch Me Dress

Original Post: ‘Authentic Yet Modern: Watch Me Dress’ A Composition of Justin Bridges of  Tucked LLC:

And lastly, the sneaky sarcasm of the dress pants. I can’t help but find that humor in formal menswear deserves some sort of applause or a treat of some kind. Bonobos CEO Andy Dunn began his successful men’s fashion venture with hopes to catering to the comfortable fit of stylish menswear. Bravo, Mr. Dunn. And then some. A few key pieces from this line that are infectiously lovable include items such as the Graham Slackers and the Banshees, in addition to more obvious favorite picks like the Mint Juleps!

Graham Slackers

Mint Juleps by Bonobos

Bonobos Bashees

As explained by ‘Ninja Dan’:

To be refined takes a little more effort, but you don’t want to overdo it and become boring and stuffy. The Banshees create a look that is at once both simple and exuberant. On the outside, they are fine-cut black wool pants: spartan and appropriate. On the inside, they are vibrant, playful, and rebellious. So while you may be in middle management and have daily meetings about corporate synergy, you can always rock the Banshees and know you’re the cock of the walk. – Ninja Dan

What a marvelous Monday for Masculine Fashion Finds! These sure fire ensembles, tips and approaches to looking great without it seeming like you spent a great deal of time in preparation… is the answer to any man’s ‘looking great.’ I hope these resources help, here’s wishing all our cherished gentlemen a happy week and a marvelously Masculine Monday.

Thanks For Stopping By,


Raymond Lee Jewelers